It is fun writing the articles for Bicycle Times and Dirt Rag. Every month, I look around the shop and try to find a bike that has a good story (this makes writing the article much easier!). This month, I chose the Schwinn Varsity for Bicycle Times. A customer brought one in for new tires and I thought it was neat that a 30 year old bike was still getting regular use. We have a couple of nice examples upstairs so we used one of those for the pictures. Most riders who are now in there 40's probably have owned a Varsity at some point in their lives.

For Dirt Rag, I tried a comparison format for the article. The Fisher Sawyer came out this year and reminded me of a couple of earlier "klunker" replica bikes, the Fisher Klunker and Breezer Ignaz. Josh, editor of Dirt Rag, sent me an email that said they received favorable feedback on this idea so look for something similar in future issues: